Become an affiliate for AKAThailand.TV

As an affiliate, you have the opportunity to earn up to a 30% commission on every purchase made through your efforts!

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The AKAThailand.TV Affiliate Program

Join the AKAThailand.TV Affiliate Program and start earning up to 30% commission on all purchases generated through your promotional efforts. Our custom solutions, tailored to your brand, ensure a seamless and rewarding experience for affiliates. Become a part of our thriving community today!

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I become an affiliate?

At AKAThailand.TV, we welcome anyone to join our affiliate program. As a new affiliate, we offer two specialized solutions to kickstart your journey. The first option involves custom coupon codes, allowing you to bring in new members using your unique code. The second option grants you a personalized landing page, giving you the platform to attract and sign up new subscribers. After you apply, we will carefully assess your profile and select the option that best suits your needs.

How will I be paid?

We ensure timely monthly payments for your efforts as an affiliate. Additionally, we will provide you with a comprehensive overview, detailing the number of members you've successfully brought in using your custom code or personalized landing page. Rest assured, you have the flexibility to receive your payments in either THB or USD, based on your preference.

How much will I be paid?

At AKAThailand.TV, we tailor custom solutions according to the anticipated volume of new traffic you can bring in. Your brand's uniqueness is important to us, and we will craft a personalized offer that aligns perfectly with your requirements. We are dedicated to supporting your success, and as a sign of our commitment, we are prepared to offer a competitive commission ranging from 15% to 30% on each sale you generate.

We also offer a pay-per-signup program, depending on preference.

How do I sign up?

Press the 'Apply Here' button at the top or send an email to!